
Welcome to my corner of the internet. I’ve been writing unprofessionally for many years and am now tentatively stepping into the world of launching my first novel. More to come on that in the coming weeks.

If you enjoy spine-chilling ghost stories, reimagined legends of old, lost love, and imagined futures, then I invite you to explore my pages and work. You will find captivating stories that will take you on supernatural journeys to the past and future. I explore the integral links that bind them together, igniting your imagination and transporting you to other worlds. Get ready to be immersed in a vast array of narratives, each written with a passion for storytelling and endless possibilities of existence.

Today, as I work on the final edits of my debut novel, I’m excited to invite you to join me in exploring stories that reflect the heart of every writer’s endeavour.

Recent Blog Posts:

The Impostor Syndrome Struggle

If you’ve ever found yourself sitting down with your latest piece of writing, reading through it, and suddenly feeling like you have no business writing. Congratulations! You’ve experienced impostor syndrome.…

No time to Write? Wrong!

At some point in your writing career, whether you are a professional, amateur, or merely doing it as a hobby, you’ll hit the issue of getting enough time to write.…


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